We started with a Social Enterprise, UK Reclaim-Reading, which saw production of fuel from waste wood rise from 52 to 220 bags per day over 3 months whilst SOL was being practised with all staff, including management; here are some comments from participants:

“I learnt to manage the team differently as a result of being involved in SOL and developed a better awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of myself and others.

“I have learnt not to “snap” back even when my inner feelings tell me I should. This feeling soon disappears.

“I learnt to remember things I needed to do, and my concentration and memory began to come back.

“The major learning point related to the dangers of slipping back into old habits. I can recognise the value of the Learning Contract structure and that achieving objectives gives me confidence.”

Feedback from learners in another charity included:

“When I started having Learning Conversations I believed that I was not good at handling change, struggled with giving immediate responses when asked to make decisions and did not feel confident in managing others. Having reflected on my experience …, I learnt that I already had an effective model for dealing with change and making decisions which is to “take time to think about it”, I have been able to successfully apply this approach more widely in my life … My approach to managing others has also changed as I learn to accept people for whom they are, see and value their qualities and to adjust my approach to their needs. Others have commented that they have seen a change in me.”

“SOL is good for me as I am learning that I can achieve. I hated school and went into banking but didn’t want to do exams. The way I handle things with people at work and in other aspects of my life has changed as a result of my involvement in SOL.”

“I find the Learning Conversations are helping me clarify things. I have learnt not to be so embarrassed about my dyslexia and have started exploring opportunities for working with people with disabilities.”

“I always feel encouraged after Learning Conversations. I am gradually getting more confident about asking others at work for help and learning that people like to be asked just as I do. Lack of confidence and assertiveness have been stumbling blocks to achieving things. I am feeling more confident and others have noticed some change. Learning not to focus on what I can’t do but to focus on what I can do.”

And the CEO of another charity said:

“Feel I am learning something important about learning and beginning to understand how I learn and what works for me.”

Participants from a national charity said:

“I’m completely sold on the potential of SOL and so I really hope that now … there will be lots more possibilities to gradually influence the world!”

“Thank you again for all your time helping us to understand the shape and potential of SOL. It was very pivotal for me so I’m really hoping that corporately we’ll be able to consider it seriously in the future.”

“No need to thank us Andrew – it’s been such a good experience learning from you and I have no doubt we’ll continue to be in touch on the SOL front.”